Management of the company is seriously pursuing very efficient measures to put in place facilities that efresher courses on such matters that ensure that they consciously see the need to observe the standards set.

The most known and dangerous potential hazards associated with operations of petroleum products retail outlets is threat of fire. As preventive measures towards dealing with any possible fire outbreak in the future, the management of Reliance Oil Limited plans to put in place the following preventive equipment, Flame proof electrical equipment, installation of smoke detectors and fire alarms around the forecourt of every outlets and installation of fire extinguisher as recommended by the Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS). Above all, management will periodically organize firefighting Training Courses for staff and retail outlet attendants. This prepares them adequately to handle fire incidents anytime.

The company’s geographical spread places it first in terms of the distribution of petroleum products and its network enables its products to reach virtually most parts of consumers.
Compared to giant competitors in the industry, management plans to operate with a lean advertising budget. As such, management plan to use below the line advertising techniques in order to bring out the uniqueness of the services at Reliance Oil Limited retail outlets (filling and service stations, LPG refilling plants) to its target customers. These includes

  • Pricing and distribution of company’s flyers and leaflets to potential customers in the neighborhood.
  • Participation in programmes organized in the neighborhoods where the company operates and making more people to get to know about the existence of the company in the community.
  • The use of posters at public and advantageous locations.
  • The use of directional signs and bill boards in the areas where the business will operate etc.

Liquidity financial capacity and exposure: the company has a rigid financial control framework to enable it maintain an appropriate level of liquidity and financial capacity. This will allow it contain risks associated with capital invested. If the company fails to operate within its financial means associated with the invested capital, its risks becoming financially distressed.

It is believed that assessment of our company has been through visits, interviews and marketing, human resource and financial analysis.  Reliance has been identified to have the financial backing effective management and solid business base.