Reliance Oil Limited herein after referred to as “The Company” is a private limited Liability company incorporated under the Companies Code, 1963 (Act 179) and is authorized to trade in petroleum products. We were licensed by the National Petroleum Authority (NPA) to operate in the downstream Oil industry as an Oil Marketing Company in Ghana in January 2020.

Petrol and Petroleum products are commodities that are widely patronized by all sectors of the economy, ranging from the individual in the village to the giant manufacturing industries in the cities. The marketing objective of Reliance Oil Limited is to achieve an average sales growth rate of twenty three percent per annum over the five year period of our business plan.

Process and personal safety: inherent in the company’s operations are hazards that require continual oversight and control. There are risks of technical integrity failure and loss of containment of hydrocarbons and other hazardous material at operating stations and vehicles. The inability of the company to manage these risks could result in injury or loss of life, environmental damage and loss of sales. Inability to provide safe environments for the workforce and the public could lead to injuries or loss of life.

As a result of the significant degree of risk, management has adopted measures that will ensure that the necessary environmental requirements are met. In this regard, the company has Health, Safety and Environment officer to take care of all issues relating to the environment and the safety of the people.